Imposter Syndrome and Public Speaking
Performance rituals; are yours working?
3 important things to remember when presenting
Don't forget your personality! Public Speaking tip #1
What do I do when I don't know the answer, and I'm the presenter?
How to make someone feel like you are looking at them on zoom. Here are 3 options:
What do I do with my hands?
What kind of a listener are you?
Don't just be dynamic, be VOCALLY dynamic!
How do you know your audience is listening?
Do I need a coach?
Let's talk about silence
4 Easy tips for virtual success
Work: How do I make genuine connections in the virtual world?
4 Do's and Don'ts when giving a speech
Mastering Virtual Presentations
Make a Connection: Understanding and Supporting Your Voice
Be Physically and Vocally Comfortable, Stay That Way Throughout Your Presentation.
It's got nothing to do with you.